Disney World Enthusiast Weekly Round Up July 25, 2021

Here’s the Disney World Enthusiast Weekly Round Up for July 25, 2021!

Latest Disney World Enthusiast Articles

Polynesian Village ResortDisney Did You Know

If you wanted to stay in all the guest rooms in all of the hotels and resorts currently open on Walt Disney World property (at a rate of one per night), it would take decades.

Magic Kingdom Welcome ShowTip Of The Week

Arrive at the park for rope drop. This means be lined up and ready to enter as soon as the gates are open. If you can be among the first guests to enter the park, you’ll be at a huge advantage. Often you can experience three or more attractions before most visitors begin to trickle in an hour or so after the park opens.

Walt DisneyWalt’s Words

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”   

dwe logo small size white bkgdComing Up Next Week

Next week I’ll have more dining information, plus all of the latest Walt Disney World news!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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